Virgin coder vs Chad mathematician meme

How to Dominate on Tech Interviews

Do you want to dominate your interviewer? Wanna bring him to his knees? Make him think that you’re superior? I’ll tell you how!

February 8, 2020 Â· 8 min Â· Math
Multi-task taskonomy

Guide to "Instant Noodles" in Multi-Task Learning

An in-depth survey on Multi-Task Learning techniques that works like a charm as-is right from the box and are easy to implement – just like instant noodle!

Lorenz Attractor - artistic rendering

Remarks on 14th Smale's Problem

The connection between the proof of the existance of the Lorenz Attractor, its Geometric Flow Model, and the Knot Theory Model.

January 7, 2019 Â· 17 min Â· Math