(Trollpost) How to dominate on technical interviews

08 Feb 2020

NOTE: this is a Troll Post, and I used strong and offensive language tone for satirical purposes. Interviewers are very good and extremely smart people, usually with many years of experience of building amazing products. Please treat them with respect and just show what you’re capable for :)

We all know the frustration of technical interviews when other candidates get an offer not because they are better than you, but just because they were able to convince the interviewer that they are smarter. Basically, the technical interview is a battle of persuasion, not a test of one’s engineering proficiency.

Let’s put that to an end. You are NOT going to an interview to have the interviewer judge your skills. You are coming to the interview to consolidate your dominance and bring the interviewer to his knees with your knowledge. Show that you are superior to other candidates by using methods listed in this article.

I’ve interviewed for top tech companies, including Google, Facebook, Samsung, Microsoft, and got offers more often than random chance! I know what I’m talking about! Trust me!

Below are the most common interview questions, taken from Geek4Geeks: top interview questions, and examples of answers that will help you achieve total domination. Here we go, topic-by-topic:

Graph Algorithms

Q: How to find the number of connected components of an undirected graph?

Q: How to check if a graph is connected?

Q: How to check if a directed graph is acyclic?

Q: How check if a directed graph is strongly connected?

Q: How to check if a graph is bipartite?

Q: How to calculate the diameter of a unweighted graph?

Backtracking algorithms

Q: How to find the solutions for a Sudoku puzzle?

Q: How to check if a graph is Hamiltonian (has a path that visits each vertex exactly once)?

Q: Place \(n\) queens on an \(n \times n\) chessboard such that no two queens attack each other.


Q: In how many ways one can choose \(k\) items from \(n\) items?

Q: What is the number of expressions containing \(n\) pairs of parentheses which are correctly matched?

Q: What is the number of permutation of \(n\) elements such that no element appears in its original position?


This is just a trolling article that I wrote for fun, so please don’t use this in your technical interviews (especially if you REALLY want to get the job). Be nice and respectful to your interviewers — they are very nice and smart people, just trying to find a good fit for their team.

Special thanks to @Quantum and Pochekay Nikolai for suggesting some of the stuffs above. By the way, I am looking for more unexpected answers to common technical interviews. So, if you have any — please suggest in the comments below!